Hunger Crisis Response

Kenya is among the countries in the Horn of Africa experiencing one of the most alarming food crises in decades, and over 3.5 million people are facing severe hunger. This crisis has resulted from the consecutive failure of the rainfall seasons over the last five years, coupled with the after-effects of theCOVID-19 crisis on the local economy. As of October 2022, the Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWS Net) projects most communities living in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas (ASALs) to be food insecure IPC (Integrated food security Phase Classification) and above, including over 360,000 people in IPC 4(Emergency).1

The drought crisis has resulted in widespread livestock deaths, failed crops and sharp decline inpurchasing power leading to large food consumption gaps and high levels of malnutrition. In Turkana county, 60% to 80% of livestock have died due to dehydration and starvation and over 600,000 people are facing starvation.

In response to the crisis, ADRA Kenya partnered with Western Kenya Conference of the Adventist Church and Hope Channel Kenya to provide a one-off emergency food assistance to over 165 families in the Loima sub-country. For more long-term response, with the support of ADRA Canada and theCanadian Food Grains Bank (CFGB) ADRA Kenya is implementing theHorn of Africa Initiative for Loima sub-county (HAIL), a 10-month cash transfer program aimed at reducing hunger and malnutrition and increased gender equality for households affected by the humanitarian crisis.

Please go to to partner with ADRA Kenya to provide immediate food assistance to the people in Turkana and other ASAL areas in Kenya